Fair Customer Relationship

In order to be considered reliable and respected, capable of offering and receiving trust, Unipol adopts careful procedures for customer protection, for the identification, management and mitigation of conflicts of interest and to improve the appropriateness and objectivity of insurance consulting services.   

The aim of the Unipol Group is to offer simple and transparent communications to enable customers to make informed choices, assuming the responsibility of ensuring the protection of customer privacy at all times and in all venues.

In its relationship with customers, the actions of the Unipol Group intend to reduce any structural information asymmetry existing with the insurance company or bank. In fact, the complex nature of financial products makes business fairness and transparency a crucial aspect of strategic importance given the great interest dedicated to these matters by all key stakeholders in the financial sector.

In the case of Life insurance products in the investment and welfare line, this approach is implemented through a certification process with verification by Bureau Veritas of UnipolSai’s compliance with product specifications (Manual of Life products) in accordance with product transparency (complete, comprehensible and traceable information), fairness (clear and balanced cost) and value (protection of selected capital and investments).  

In the area of privacy, the Group has established a specific operating unit dedicated to ensuring that the processing of personal information (of customers, employees and, in general, all coming into contact with the various Group companies) takes place in compliance with the provisions of the Personal Data Protection Code.